盖德化工网  >  盖德问答  >  制冷系统模拟不收敛?


具体见附件。1.我模拟的是复叠式制冷系统,想自己做精馏柱(没有再沸器,回流,所以我认为相当于在普通的填料气液分离器上面加一个小的换热器)模拟这个精馏柱是放在一级分凝好还是二级分凝好,现在我模拟的系统没有考虑这个精馏柱,尽管如此还是不收敛。。。。 2。现在模拟的混合物文献上第一步冷凝300k时,干度为0.74,但是我的vaper frac才0.5,0.6.。。。第一步就差这么多,首先规定了系统高低压2MP,0.2MP,然后压缩机吸气270,排气380,冷凝300,用FLASH模拟气液分离,换热器部分我是输入换热量调试,一直不收敛 3.最后的蒸发器的制冷量我也没搞懂,制冷量不是流量*c*温差吗?但是这个温差是我自己设置的啊?我现在默认温差是10.。。。 4.想要根据各个状态点,看焓值进行部件设计,但是没有找到焓值在哪里找。。。。 以上,求大神解答!qq。1085124178。因为问题比较多,求大神解答,可以给适量报酬
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楼上指出的问题是很有道理,重新表述如下: 1,做的是r 600a、r23、r14混合工质的自复叠系统,现在已经收敛。 2,出现问题1提示结果可用但是有error: mix1处 the following messages were issued during report generation: ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. ** error flash results are within tolerance, but may be unsatisfactory because extrapolated eos vapor volume root was used for property calculations. calculated properties may be unreliable due to flash problems. 2,设置参数如下:系统只设置两个高低压2mpa,o.2mpa,压缩机入口270k,出口380k,冷凝器300k,一级换热量560w。二级460w。计算出来蒸发温度180k,皆与文献吻和,问题就是设置蒸发器出入口设置10度温差时,制冷量达到300w,比文献大好多。 以上谢谢!
你是在职硕士吗?搞研究的是吗?建议你首先写,你模拟的东西走什么物料,干什么的,一句制冷系统太笼统,一 ... 多谢指导,硕士在读。我再重新写一下。
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