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PROII精馏塔sure算法Component Averaging Factor参数对 ...?

各位大神,在PROII精馏塔sure算法中,convergence data中有一个参数Component Averaging Factor,请问这个参数是什么意思?修改此参数对计算出来的结果有什么影响?会不会使计算结果不准确?请各位大神帮忙解答,谢谢啦。
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用默认的0算塔比较难收敛,但是改为3后收敛很快,不知道修改此值对计算结果是否有影响? 个人理解流程收敛的话,那结果应该问题不大,有条件的话,可以用aspen做个比对或者对比现场数据。 根据提示,3应该是该值推荐的上限,既然没越界,说明还是可行~ component averaging factor (sure algorithm only): factor for computing the next set of trial compositions. a value of unity gives equal weight to the current and last set of compositions when they are averaged. a value of 2.0 gives double weight to the last set of compositions. values higher than 3.0 are not recommended.
各位大神,在proii精馏塔sure算法中,convergence data中有一个参数component averaging factor,请问这个参数是什么意思?修改此参数对计算出来的结果有什么影响?会不会使计算结果不准确?请各位大神帮忙解答,谢谢啦。
这个是sure算法下的收敛辅助工具,有些类似于io算法里面的damping factor,而不是收敛精度要求,所以这个设置可能会增加迭代次数,但对收敛结果没有影响。下面是从帮助文件里面挖出来的原版信息,供您参考 component averaging factor : this weighting factor for update of compositions is used for the sure algorithm. a factor of 1.0 gives equal weight to the current and last set of compositions; a factor of 2.0 gives double weight to the last set of compositions, and so forth. a default value of 0.0 is supplied by pro/ii. further explanation: ...... the component averaging factor for sure columns is analogous to the damping factor for inside-out columns and may aid convergence of columns in which the overall error is oscillating close to a converged solution. the component averaging feature increases the number of iterations needed for column convergence.
用默认的0算塔比较难收敛,但是改为3后收敛很快,不知道修改此值对计算结果是否有影响? 个人理解流程收敛的话,那结果应该问题不大,有条件的话,可以用ASPEN做个比对或者对比现场数据。 根据提示,3应该是该值推荐的上限,既然没越界,说明还是可行~ Component Averaging Factor (SURE algorithm only): Factor for computing the next set of trial compositions. A value of unity gives equal weight to the current and last set of compositions when they are averaged. A value of 2.0 gives double weight to the last set of compositions. Values higher than 3.0 are not recommended.
各位大神,在proii精馏塔sure算法中,convergence data中有一个参数component averaging factor,请问这个参数是什么意思?修改此参数对计算出来的结果有什么影响?会不会使计算结果不准确?请各位大神帮忙解答,谢谢啦。
这个是sure算法下的收敛辅助工具,有些类似于io算法里面的damping factor,而不是收敛精度要求,所以这个设置可能会增加迭代次数,但对收敛结果没有影响。下面是从帮助文件里面挖出来的原版信息,供您参考 component averaging factor : this weighting factor for update of compositions is used for the sure algorithm. a factor of 1.0 gives equal weight to the current and last set of compositions; a factor of 2.0 gives double weight to the last set of compositions, and so forth. a default value of 0.0 is supplied by pro/ii. further explanation: ...... the component averaging factor for sure columns is analogous to the damping factor for inside-out columns and may aid convergence of columns in which the overall error is oscillating close to a converged solution. the component averaging feature increases the number of iterations needed for column convergence.
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