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以上各位朋友说的大的讲都是对的,唯一需要提醒的一点是,该词的更准确翻译一定要结合上下文来看。比如本例提到的是丙烯,那么需要结合上下文来看丙烯是在工厂内做什么用,如果是用于做某种循环物料,则初次需要加注,但是可能会产生加注过量,这时要采取措施的从系统中抽出来,该过程就是所谓deinventory的过程;也有另一种可能就是工厂需要大的维护,要把循环的物料全部排出,这也叫deinventory。总之要结合上下文来理解,个人认为丙烯算不上什么毒性很大的东西。 Andy
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deinventory怎么翻译,比如 propylene deinvenrtory怎么翻译呢 [ ]
deinventory含义接近empty,clean out清空, 清除,通常指把容器中有毒、易燃或放射性的物料清理出去
这个单词是由美国汉福德(hanford :美国华盛顿州南部原子能研究重要中心)生产和处理的放射性金属钚过程中杜撰出来的单词。后来引申为清空, 清除的意思,通常是指把容器中有毒、易燃或放射性的物料清理出去,以及紧急情况下将这些有毒、易燃或放射性[wiki]化工[/wiki]物料清理出危险区域,进行妥善的储存。(the word ''de-inventory'' (usually written deinventory) was coined at the plutonium finishing plant on the hanford atomic reservation to describe this process. the cleanout of gloveboxes at the plutonium finishing plant illustrates typical deinventory operations. although tanks may have been previously drained of their solutions, residual contents remain for which the plutonium content must be estimated. normally, this is accomplished using non-destructive assay (nda) techniques that require conservative correction factors to compensate for tank wall shielding apparatus geometry, fissile material distribution, detector efficiencies, and detector locations. the plutonium inventory is usually overestimated. a kickoff meeting is held to review planned operations. then a criticality safety evaluation of the operations is written, and limits and controls are established. in practice, an evaluation may turn out to be significantly more difficult than it at first appeared, primarily due to uncertainties in the quantity and distribution of the residual plutonium and liquid. the evaluation process can sometimes be streamlined by taking advantage of similarities in design, plutonium inventory, and operations to a glovebox previously evaluated. if an existing criticality safety evaluation report (cser) can be shown to bound the new operations, it may be used as the basis for establishing limits and controls for the new operations. otherwise, a new cser must be completed and approved.)
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