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T The partially concentrated liquor and the generated vapor leave the tubes at the bottom. The liquor collects in the lower liquor chamber, where most of it flows to P-2 circulation pump and re-circulates to the top tube sheet. The excess liquor enters an internal over-flow pipe in the bottom of the C-1 lower liquor chamber and flows by gravity and vapor pressure difference to the second effect. This pipe connects to the recirculation suction piping of the second effect evaporator (C-2). This connection is located at least 4 meters below the operating level of the second effect so that the hotter transfer liquor is suppressed from flashing.
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the partially concentrated liquor and the generated vapor leave the tubes at the bottom. the liquor collects in the lower liquor chamber, where most of it flows to p-2 circulation pump and re-circulates to the top tube sheet. the excess liquor enters an internal over-flow pipe in the bottom of the c-1 lower liquor chamber and flows by gravity and vapor pressure difference to the second effect. this pipe connects to the recirculation suction piping of the second effect evaporator (c-2). this connection is located at least 4 meters below the operating level of the second effect so that the hotter transfer liquor is suppressed from flashing. 翻译如下: 部分酒精浓缩液和绝大部分二次蒸汽从底部离开加热管。 酒精汇集到下级酒精室,他们中的大部分在这里流入p-2循环泵再循环回顶部管板。多出的酒精进入一个在c-1下级究竟是底部的内部过流管,根据重力和二次蒸汽压力的不同流入第二效体。 这个管道接入第二效蒸发器(c-2)的吸入管道。为防止更热流入酒精闪蒸,此连接处至少低于第二效工作液位4米。 希望有帮助,请大家指正。
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