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I think buffalo meat can help boost energy and lower weight.
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1. papaya. this tropical fruit packs about twice the vitamin c of an orange. add it to your arsenal against gallbladder disease, which afflicts twice as many women as men. after analyzing the blood of over 13,000 people, scientists from the university of california, san francisco, found that women who had lower levels of vitamin c were more likely to have gallbladder illnesses. one medium papaya (about ten ounces), with its 188 mg of vitamin c and a mere 119 calories, is a refreshing source of the vitamin. the once exotic fruit now can be found in most supermarkets. 2.flaxseed. bakers use this nutty-flavored seed mainly to add flavor and fiber. but scientists see the tiny reddish-brown seed, rich in estrogenlike compounds called lignans, as a potential weapon against breast cancer. an exciting report at last year's san antonio breast cancer symposium showed that adding flaxseed to the diet of women with breast cancer effectively slowed tumor growth. you can flavor your muffins with flaxseed, but the easiest way to get the beneficial lignans is to sprinkle a few tablespoons of ground flaxseed on your morning cereal. look for the seeds in health food stores or in supermarkets on the flour aisle. they're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder. but get seeds -- there are no lignans in the oil. 3.tofu. foods high in soy protein can lower cholesterol and may minimize menopausal hot flashe s and strengthen bone. isoflavones, plant chemicals in soybeans that have a structure similar to estrogen, may be the reason. though animal studies form the bulk of the evidence, a human study found that 90 mg of isoflavones was beneficial to bone (specifically the spine). and two other studies suggest that 50 to 76 mg of isoflavones a day may offer some relief from hot flashes. a half-cup of tofu contains about 25 to 35 mg of isoflavones. 4.buffalo meat. due largely to menstruation, women tend to be anemic more than men. and low iron levels in blood can cause severe fatigue. to get a good dose of iron, try bison. bison, or buffalo, meat is lean and has what diet-conscious women want -- lots of iron and less fat than most cuts of beef. "the iron content is about 3 milligrams in a 3 1/2-ounce uncooked portion," says marty marchello, ph.d., at north dakota state university. "that portion contains less than 3 grams of fat." buffalo meat can help boost energy and lower weight. and you don't have to have a home on the range to get some bison anymore. you can pick it up at many supermarkets across the united states, or through mail order or on the internet. 5.collard greens. this humble vegetable may help fight osteoporosis, which afflicts many women late in life. in addition to getting adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin d, some studies suggest that vitamin k may have a bone-protective effect as well. based on data from one of the largest studies of women, the nurses' health study, researchers discovered that women who ate enough vitamin k-rich foods (at least 109 micrograms of the vitamin daily) were 30 percent less likely to suffer a hip fracture during ten years of follow-up than women who ate less. researchers point out that dark-green leafy vegetables -- brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli -- are all good sources of the vitamin. but collard greens, with about 375 micrograms per half. 1. 木瓜 这种热带水果的维生素c含量是橙子的两倍。把它列入治胆囊疾病的食疗清单中,这种疾病的女病患人数是男性的两倍。 旧金山加利福尼亚大学的科学家们对数以13000多人的血液进行了分析。该研究发现体内维生素c含量低的女更有可能患上胆囊疾病。一个中等大小的木瓜(约10盎司重)含有188毫克的维生素c,热量却只有119大卡。它是维生素的补给站。这种当初域外的水果如今可以在各大超市买到。 2. 亚麻籽 面包师把这种坚果风味的果实种子主要用来增加食物风味和膳食纤维。而科学家们发现这种红褐色的小种子富含类似雌激素的化合物亚麻木酚素,它可能用来医治乳癌。去年的圣安东尼乳癌研讨会上公布了一项令人兴奋的报告,报告显示,在乳癌女患者的食谱中增加亚麻籽能有效抑制肿瘤的生长。你可以在松饼上加亚麻籽调味,而摄入亚麻木酚素最简单的办法是:在早饭麦片粥中撒上几小勺磨碎的亚麻籽末。在健康食品店或者超市的面粉货架中可以找到亚麻籽。搅拌器或者咖啡研磨机都很容易磨碎它。但是要用亚麻的籽――亚麻油可不含亚麻木酚素。 3. 豆腐 大豆蛋白含量高的食物可以降低胆固醇,还能减轻更年期潮热、强化骨质。原因可能在于大豆中的植物化合物异黄酮与雌激素的化学结构相似。除了在动物实验中已有的大量结果为佐证外,一项人体实验也显示出,90毫克异黄酮有益于增强骨质(尤其是脊骨)。另外两项人体研究表明,一天摄入50到76毫克的异黄酮可以缓解更年期潮热症状。半杯豆腐中含有异黄酮大约25到35毫克。 4. 野牛肉 主要出于经期的生理原因,女性比男性更容易贫血。血液中铁含量低会引发极度疲劳。如果要补铁就请食用牛肉。牛肉,或者野牛肉,肉质偏瘦,对保持身材的女性来说最为合适――既富含铁质又没有多数牛肉切肉那么多脂肪。美国北达科他州立大学的马蒂•马尔凯洛marty marchello博士说:“3又1/2盎司未烹调的生牛肉含铁大约3毫克,所含脂肪还少于3毫克。”食用野牛肉有助于充沛体力,降低体重。美国人现在买牛肉再也不必奔走了,在国内很多大超市都可以选购,或者用邮购、网购的方式。 5.甘蓝 这种常见蔬菜可能会有助于防治骨质疏松,许多女性年老后都会受到这种病痛困扰。一些研究显示,除了摄入足量的钙和维生素d外,维生素k也有预防骨质疏松的功效。“护士健康研究”对女性的一项大规模研究数据表明:在十年的跟踪调查中,研究人员发现,摄取足够量富含维生素k的食物(每日至少109微克)的女性比那些摄入量不足的女性发生髋骨骨折的机率少30%.研究人员指出,暗绿色的多叶蔬菜,比如芽甘蓝、菠菜和椰菜,都含有丰富的维生素。而芥兰是其中佼佼者,每半杯含量达375微克。 转摘自海词快乐英语,供朋友们分享
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