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之前没有接触过计时库仑法,看到文献描述的chronocoulometry (CC): pulse period=500 ms, pulse width=500 mV. 不知道pulse period=500ms这个参数是怎么设定的哦? 知道的师兄师姐指点一下
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我们的工作站chi660d的说明书介绍:希望能对你有帮助parameters for chronocoulometryin chronocoulometry (cc), potential is stepped from init e toward fianl e. the potentialmay step back. the follow ... 具体的参数应该根据什么设置呢?楼主的问题解决了吗?
pulse period=500 ms这个应该指的是脉冲周期吧,但是是高低电压一个循环还是单个step的时间不清楚软件中pulse width这个是一个step的时间,可以看楼上的电位时间图如果文献中的pulse period=500 ms说的是周期,那么设置中要除以2
我们的工作站chi660d的说明书介绍:希望能对你有帮助parameters for chronocoulometryin chronocoulometry (cc), potential is stepped from init e toward fianl e. the potentialmay step back. the following diagram shows the potential waveform applied as the function oftime.??the charge passing through the working electrode is recorded as the function of time.the following are the experimental parameters, their range and descriptions:parameters range descriptioninit e (v) -10? ?-? ?+10 initial potentialfinal e (v) -10? ?-? ?+10 final potentialnumber of steps 1??-??320 number of potential stepspulse width (sec) 1e-4??-??1000 potential pulse widthsample interval (s) 1e-6??-??10 sampling intervalquiet time (sec) 0??-??100000 quiescent time before potential stepsensitivity (c ora/v)1e-12??-??0.1or 1e-9c/v -1e-6 c/vsensitivity scalenotes:1. init e and final e should be at least 0.01 v apart.2. the maximum potential step range is 13.1 v.3. a true integrator (charge-to-voltage converter) can be chosen. in this case, the sensitivityis 1e-9c/v to 1e-6c/v. if the charge exceeds the 8e-6 coulomb,??the capacitor of thepotential(v)init etime (s)final estep 1 step 2 step 3init efinal e0pulse width pulse widthchapter 4.??setup menu________________________________________________________________________4-13integrator will be discharged and the new charge will be added to the previous value. thisallows higher charge to be measured with the integrator. there might be discontinuity incharge-time curve due to the capacitor discharge. the discontinuity should be negligible.however, if it is significant to the measurement, you may choose to use the current-to-voltage converter and integrate the current measured by software.4. current-to-voltage converter is not ideal for chronocoulometry, particularly if the earlytransient data is important, such as double layer capacitance, or surface reactions. charge-to-voltage converter (true integrator) is a better choice.5. if current-to-voltage converter is selected due to high total charge, shorter sample intervalwill increase data density, but will reduce the signal-to-noise ratio. if earlier transient data isimportant, shorter sample interval is recommended. if the later part of data is of interest,longer sample interval is recommended. however, minimum 1000 points per step arerequired, unless sampling rate does not allow it.6. if the sample interval is less than 0.002s, the data will not be transferred on the real-timebase. instead the data will be transferred after the experiment is completed. cell is turned offduring the data transfer unless the cell on between run option is selected. from start ofexperiment and data transfer there is a delay. the total number of data points will be limitedto 64k due to internal memory size limitation. sample interval might be automaticallyaltered to adjust the data points in the reasonable range.7. if the sample interval is longer than 0.002s, data will be transferred during experiment.maximum 64k total data points are allowed for each step. sample interval might beautomatically altered to adjust the data points in the reasonable range.8. if the current-to-voltage converter is used, during the run, an “overflow” warning mightappear. this is due to the current transient immediately after the potential step. if theintercept (that gives information of double layer capacitance and adsorption) of anson plot(q-t1/2 plot) is not your primary interest, you may not worry about it. however, if the datadistortion can be seen visually, you have to lower the sensitivity scale.sometimes, you may use i/e converter filter to slow the system down, but make sure thatthe time constant of the filter (1/cutoff freq) is much shorter than the pulse width.in order to reduce noise and enhance the accuracy of the measurement, it isrecommended to use the highest sensitivity scale possible.,
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