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Questions about the application of ROKEPIE

Can ROKEPIE? be used to store cells in suspension? Yes, it can. Successful storage at 2-8°C has been achieved in experiments in which adherent cell lines were stored in ROKEPIE? enriched medium immediately after trypsinization. These cells remained detached during storage and could be seeded in 6-well plates straight out of the refrigerator. 

What dilution should I use for my cells? We advise that you test ROKEPIE? on your cell line of choice with at least three concentrations (e.g. 1:20, 1:50, 1:100). We have found that some cell lines require less protection to endure 7 days of storage at 2-8°C than others.

Are cells permanently altered by the use of cold-storage and ROKEPIE?? The effect of ROKEPIE? on epigenetics or differentiation of the cell is unknown. However, ROKEPIE? is not designed to actively alter any of these characteristics. This is the reason we advise users to test cells on their cell line of choice, critical changes in cell behavior can be different for each cell line.

How can the use of ROKEPIE? in my daily process influence a production process? ROKEPIE? could alter your production process in the following ways:

  • A change in timing for Quality Control, e.g. delay analysis.

  • Increase time windows of crucial steps in the process, e.g. trypsinization, inoculation, allowing you to increase batch sizes.

Has ROKEPIE? been tested on any human primary cells? Yes, we have performed tests on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). These cells were stored in 96-wells plates successfully for at least 3 days.

Does ROKEPIE? or 2 – 8 °C storage affect stem cell differentiation? The results of the differentiation of the stem cells after ROKEPIE? facilitated 2 – 8°C storage is not  yet available.

Do you have experience with any type of stem cells? Yes, ROKEPIE? has been tested on human adipose derived stromal cells (hADSC) by Dr. Guido Krenning (University Medical Center Groningen ). ROKEPIE? works just as good as N2 preservation, but the tests for long term storage have not yet been completed.

When shipping, will movement of container disrupt sheets of cells? When transporting cells in a cell culture flask, the movement of medium will cause stress to the monolayer of cells. A solution to this is to top off the flask with cell culture medium so no air is present. We are currently looking into using ROKEPIE? in a (thermos) reversible hydrogel that sets at 4°C and becomes liquid at 37°C.


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