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感谢本活动的提出者平沙副超版, 本活动的中文作者及人气大使arclie001版主。 工作职场故事原文链接地址 https://bbs.hcbbs.com/thread-1217902-1-1.html (可以通过点击直接链接工作职场故事板块) “ 我弟今年五岁,特别娇气动不动就爱哭, 一天他突然问我:“要是有一天家里没钱了,爸妈会把你卖了还是把我卖了?” 我毫不犹豫的说:“肯定卖了你。” 本以为这小破孩一定会哭,没想到 他咧嘴一笑:“我就知道你不值钱……” 价值是多方面的,人最难认清的就是自己 ” 本活动由通用外语区与盖德人生工作职场故事板块共同开展。 职场故事翻译活动请注意: 1、大家比拼哪位高人翻译的更精彩、更到位,请不要发布雷同的翻译。 2、回帖不必隐藏,以便他人进行点评。 3、禁止发灌水贴,禁止人身攻击言语诽谤。: 4、版主评分时以+8财富为基准,视回帖质量进行评分增减。鼓励大家给优秀的翻译和点评加分,但是禁止恶意互评。 5、欢迎广大盖德提出宝贵建议,可直接发站内消息给版主或本帖跟帖提出
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我弟今年五岁,特别娇气动不动就爱哭, 一天他突然问我:“要是有一天家里没钱了,爸妈会把你卖了还是把我卖了?” 我毫不犹豫的说:“肯定卖了你。” 本以为这小破孩一定会哭,没想到 他咧嘴一笑:“我就知道你不值钱……i have a 5-year-old brother, he is a crier. one day, he asked me,"if we run out of money, which one will be sold first, you or me?" "of course it's you!" i replied immediately waiting for his tears. but he laughed and said,"i know you are worthless." the most difficult to understand is yourself
my brother is five years old, he is a effeminate boy and he likes to cry. one day he suddenly asked me that our parents will sell you or me if someday we have no money? i answered him spur-of-the-moment that must be you . i originally felt he may cry but he said laughingly that i knew you are not valuable . merit is extensive, something is difficult is to know oneself ! 初次献丑,直译,请多赐教
第一次翻译,试试看,请大家多赐教 my brother is five years old ,he is an effeminate boy and likes to cry. one day he asked me suddenly that our parents will sell you or me if we have no money? i answered him immediately that it must be you . i felt originally that he will cry. but he said laughingly that i knew you are valueless. merit is various, something difficult is to know oneself .
没想到我能占到sofa haha translate this poem from chinese into english, yes or no ?
Translation is as follows: My younger brother is five years old now and he is too fragile that he cries very frequently. One day, he suddenly asked me “who would be sold if there is no money in our family. Is it you or me? ” I answered unhesitatingly, “It must be you.“ I thought the boy would cry. However, he did not fortuitously. He grinned and said, “I just knew... ” Value of life is variety and it is important for us to know who we really are. Thanks.
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