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我是负责油库生产的,关于支架,我主要考虑支架安装橡胶/塑料垫片对安全是否有影响。 橡胶/塑料垫片为非导电体,油罐进出油过程中会与橡胶/塑料垫片摩擦产生静电荷聚集,特别是罐内存油较少时(即基本上为空罐),橡胶/塑料垫片无法全部被油品浸润,比较容易产生放电现象。 目前我现在即将接受的油库内浮顶罐就是采用塑料垫片,我很担心静电消除这一块。
需要的话,看看我 的相册里面那个符合你的要求不!
关于铝浮盘立柱结构设计及材料的调研报告 赤几油库验收检查时所提出的问题:“ 内浮盘的立柱是直径50mm的铝管,下面垫塑料垫板。因为内浮盘很轻,所以没有按照gb50341-2003中9.4.4要求,每个都加上直径不小于500mm的垫板。”,处理意见:“整改要求设计确认”。 针对提问调研:“铝质浮盘立柱结构及材料”。 被调研对象 1、设计单位:中国石油天然气华东设计勘察设计研究院(甲级资质),英派尔化学工程有限公司(甲级资质); 2、业主单位:中国石油广西石化公司,江苏新海石化公司; 3、浮盘制造单位:保定市新星石油设备厂(本设备制造单位),上海振风炼油配件厂。 4、工程名称和规模:中石油广西石化1000万吨/年炼油工程。10000m3储油罐16座,铝质内浮盘d28m,共16套;5000m3储油罐17座,铝质内浮盘d17m,共17套,设计单位是,中国石油天然气华东设计院。江苏新海石化公司120万吨/年重油加工项目,设计单位是,英派尔化学工程有限公司 5、施工单位:石油第七建筑公司,石油第一建筑公司。 收集的文件资料: 1、“中石油广西石化10000万吨/年炼油工程”厂区铝浮盘项目“技术协议”书,见附件-1(由于甲方提出资料的保密制度,图纸只有相关部分照片) 2、“江苏新海石化有限公司120万吨/年重油加工项目内浮盘规格书”(照片,全文 3、保定市新星石油设备厂企业标准“装配式铝制内浮顶”q/xxsh01-1999,(全文扫描件。 调查结论: 1目前,在中国石油行业,为了促进技术的发展,专业化及分工愈来愈细,设计已不把内浮盘作为自己的设计任务,而把这项工作交给了制造厂,由制造企业结合材料和技术的发展来创新,这样大大的促进了技术的进步和产品使用性能的提高。为保证质量,各企业都按国家标准化法,制订了各自的企业标准。 调查了解,新星石油设备厂,企业标准就是依据标准化法,为满足用户的需要,按设计、用户的技术协议规定及要求、科技进步、技术发展等要求,制定了本企业的技术标准,在市场竞争中,他也同专利技术一样,是一种炫耀企业的技术实力和市场竞争的手段。 2、在中国,根据标准化法的规定,企业标准高于,行业,高于国家标准。新星石油化工设备厂制造的铝浮盘铝质立柱-尼龙帽结构,实用证明能够有效地保护铝浮盘的立柱,防止立柱受冲击而被损坏。技术已得到设计和用户的认可。 3、检查所查出的问题,由设计确认。调研联系设计单位,各设计院提出:设计不再承担这项设计,也就不再对此确认。但设计肯定了这项技术是能够很好的保护浮盘立柱。(见技附件“术协议书”。 由设计院与制造厂的协议,完全可以证实浮盘铝立柱使用尼龙帽的结构是合理的。新星石油设备厂在本工程使用该项技术是有依据的。 4、我们调查国内较大的石油化工施工单位,象石油七公司,石油一公司等,他们对此问题的回答,安装只执行施工技术验收规范。根据对gb50128-2005和sy4202-2007规范的调查,油罐在安装时无焊接直径不小于500mm的垫板的规定。
首先让我们看看规范是怎样描述的; 请问这个是什么标准?
这是api 650-2009附录h的内容,请参考: h.4.6 roof supports h.4.6.1 the floating roof shall be provided with adjustable supports, unless the purchaser specifies fixed supports. h.4.6.2 unless specified otherwise, the height of the floating roof shall be adjustable to two positions with the tank in service. the design of the supports shall prevent damage to the fixed roof and floating roof when the tank is in an overflow condition. h.4.6.3 the purchaser shall specify clearance requirements to establish the low (operating) and high (maintenance) levels of the roof supports. the low roof position shall be the lowest permitted by the internal components of the tank including shell nozzles with internal projections. if specified, a single position support height shall be based on the purchaser-specified clearance dimension. the purchaser shall provide data to enable the manufacturer to ensure that all tank appurtenances (such as mixers, interior piping, and fill nozzles) are cleared by the roof in its lowest position. in addition to fitting elevations, such data shall include minimum mixer operation level and low level alarm settings (if applicable). if not specified otherwise by the purchaser, the following apply: h. the high roof position shall provide a 2-m (78-in.) minimum clearance throughout the bottom, between the roof and the tank bottom. h. where propeller-type mixers are used, the support legs shall provide a minimum clearance of 75 mm (3 in.) from the underside of the internal floating roof (or roof notch) to the tip of the mixer propeller. h.4.6.4 support attachments in the deck area shall be designed to prevent failure at the point of attachment. on the bottom of the steel welded deck plates (used on types h.2.2a, b, c, d, and g), where flexure is anticipated adjacent to supports or other relatively rigid members, full-fillet welds not less than 50 mm (2 in.) long on 250 mm (10 in.) centers shall be used on any plate laps that occur within 300 mm (12 in.) of any such support or member. h.4.6.5 supports shall be fabricated from pipe, unless cable or another type is specified on the data sheet, line 34 and approved by the purchaser. supports fabricated from pipe shall be notched or otherwise constructed at the bottom to provide complete liquid drainage. cable supports shall be adjustable externally and shall not have an open penetration at the floating roof surface. fixed roofs shall be designed or verified suitable for cable support loads, when used, per agreement between the purchaser and tank/roof manufacturers. h.4.6.6 steel pads or other means shall be used to distribute the loads on the bottom of the tank and provide a wear surface. with the purchaser’s approval, pads may be omitted if the tank bottom will support the live load plus the dead load of the floating roof. if pads are used, they shall be continuously welded to the tank bottom. h.4.6.7 aluminum supports shall be isolated from carbon steel by an austenitic stainless steel spacer, an elastomeric bearing pad, or equivalent protection, unless specified otherwise by the purchaser. h.4.6.8 special protective measures (corrosion allowance, material selection, coatings) are to be evaluated for supports that interface with stratified product bottoms, which may include corrosive contaminant combinations not found in the normal product. the purchaser shall specify if any protective measures are required. h.4.6.9 for tanks with internal coatings, the purchaser shall specify on line 23 of the data sheet any special requirements for minimizing corrosion where the leg contacts the tank bottom, such as a flat plate or bull nose on the leg base, a thicker base plate, or other means. h.4.6.10 consideration shall be given to the use of fixed supports for the operating position (low level) of internal floating roofs, which utilize cable supports suspended from a fixed roof. these supports are typically not adjustable, are sealed to prevent emissions, and are for the operating position (low level) set at a level as specified by the purchaser. the use of fixed supports for the low level position are intended to reduce the frequency of fixed roof loading. the operating position (low level) and length of the cables shall be such that sinking and/or collapse of the internal floating roof will not apply loads to the support cables. h.4.6.11 if cable supports are used, the supports shall be adjustable from the fixed roof while the floating roof is floating and with the cables unloaded. h.4.6.12 cables, cable segments, or cable connections which support the floating roof are prohibited from using a fusible link or other devices which are designed to fail at a specified load limit. h.4.6.13 cables used to support internal floating roofs shall be 300 series stainless steel and shall be flexible to facilitate repeatable lay down patterns on the floating roof as it travels up and down within the tank. lay down patterns shall be positioned to avoid rim seals and floating roof appurtenances that could prevent the cable from freely extending as the floating roof lowers.
本人跟航煤接触得比较多,对于铝浮盘支腿是否需要垫板问题个人认为不太需要,首先铝浮盘比较轻,其次航煤内 ... 请教一个题外问题:带浮盘的储罐如何清洗比较好?不吝赐教啊。
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