盖德化工网  >  盖德问答  >  cif晶体解析出错,...


各位朋友,我根据文献通过精修得到了一个cif文件,可是在cif check 的时候出现错误(如下),我第一次接触这个,一头雾水,不知道怎么办,还请各位朋友施于援手啊!!!我同时上传了cif,求帮忙啊!!!不胜感激。
Alert level A
SYMM001_ALERT_1_A  _symmetry_cell_setting is missing
            The cell setting should be one of the following
            *  triclinic
            *  monoclinic
            *  orthorhombic
            *  tetragonal
            *  rhombohedral
            *  trigonal
            *  hexagonal
            *  cubic
            The following tests will not be performed.
CELL002_ALERT_1_A  _cell_formula_units_Z is missing
            Number of formulae per unit cell.
            The following tests will not be performed.
EXPT001_ALERT_1_A  _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn is missing
            Density calculated from unit cell and contents (Mg m-3).
            The following tests will not be performed.
DIFF001_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_radiation_type is missing
            The radiation type should contain one of the following
            *  'Cu K\a'
            *  'Mo K\a'
            *  'Ag K\a'
            *  neutron
            *  synchrotron
            The following tests will not be performed.
DIFF002_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_radiation_wavelength is missing
            Radiation wavelength (A).
            The following tests will not be performed.
CELL003_ALERT_1_A  _cell_measurement_reflns_used is missing
            Number of reflections used to measure unit cell.
CELL004_ALERT_1_A  _cell_measurement_theta_min is missing
            Minimum theta of reflections used to measure unit cell.
            The following tests will not be performed.
CELL005_ALERT_1_A  _cell_measurement_theta_max is missing
            Maximum theta of reflections used to measure unit cell.
            The following tests will not be performed.
CELL006_ALERT_1_A  _cell_measurement_temperature is missing
            Measurement temperature (K).
            The following tests will not be performed.
EXPT004_ALERT_1_A  _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu is missing
            Linear absorption coefficient (mm-1).
            The following tests will not be performed.
EXPT005_ALERT_1_A  _exptl_crystal_description is missing
            Crystal habit description.
            The following tests will not be performed.
EXPT009_ALERT_1_A  No crystal dimensions have been given.
            The following tests will not be performed.
EXPT108_ALERT_1_A  The magnitudes of the crystal dimensions do not
            match the min, mid and max definitions
EXPT010_ALERT_1_A  _exptl_crystal_colour (_pd_char_colour for powder) is missing
            Crystal colour.
            The following tests will not be performed.
DIFF003_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_measurement_device_type is missing
            Diffractometer make and type. Replaces _diffrn_measurement_type.
DIFF005_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_measurement_method is missing
            Mode of intensity measurement and scan.
DIFF007_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_number is missing
            Total number of reflections measured.
            The following tests will not be performed.
REFL001_ALERT_1_A  _reflns_number_total is missing
            Number of symmetry-independent reflections.
            The following tests will not be performed.
REFL002_ALERT_1_A  _reflns_number_gt is missing
            Number of reflections > sigma threshold.
            The following tests will not be performed.
REFL004_ALERT_1_A  _reflns_threshold_expression is missing
            Sigma expression for F, F2 or I threshold.
            The following tests will not be performed.
DIFF008_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_theta_max is missing
            Maximum theta of measured reflections.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF013_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min is missing
            Minimum h index of measured data.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF014_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max is missing
            Maximum h index of measured data.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF015_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min is missing
            Minimum k index of measured data.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF016_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max is missing
            Maximum k index of measured data.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF017_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min is missing
            Minimum l index of measured data.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF018_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max is missing
            Maximum l index of measured data.
            The following tests will not be performed
DIFF019_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_standards_number is missing
            Number of standards used in measurement.
DIFF020_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_standards_interval_count and
            _diffrn_standards_interval_time are missing. Number of measurements
            between standards or time (min) between standards.
DIFF022_ALERT_1_A  _diffrn_standards_decay_% is missing
            Percentage decrease in standards intensity.
REFI001_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef is missing
            The structure factor coefficient should be one of the following
            *  Inet
            *  Fsqd
            *  F
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI003_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_R_factor_gt is missing
            R factor of F for reflections > threshold.
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI005_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref is missing
            R factor of coefficient for refinement reflections.
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI007_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref is missing
            Goodness of fit S for refinement reflections.
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI009_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_number_reflns is missing
            Number of reflections used in refinement.
            The following test will not be performed
REFI010_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_number_parameters is missing
            Number of parameters refined.
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI011_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_weighting_scheme is missing
            The weighting scheme should be one of the following
            *  sigma
            *  calc
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI015_ALERT_1_A  _refine_ls_shift/su_max is missing
            Maximum shift/s.u. ratio after final refinement cycle.
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI017_ALERT_1_A  _refine_diff_density_max is missing
            Maximum value of final difference map (e A-3).
            The following tests will not be performed
REFI018_ALERT_1_A  _refine_diff_density_min is missing
            Minimum value of final difference map (e A-3).
            The following tests will not be performed
GEOM006_ALERT_1_A  _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 is missing
            Label identifying the atom site 2.
GEOM007_ALERT_1_A  _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 is missing
            Label identifying the atom site 3.
ABSTY01_ALERT_1_A  The absorption correction should be one of the following
            *  none
            *  analytical
            *  integration
            *  numerical
            *  gaussian
            *  empirical
            *  psi-scan
            *  multi-scan
            *  refdelf
            *  sphere
            *  cylinder
PLAT029_ALERT_3_A _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full value Low .      0.000 Why?  
PLAT043_ALERT_1_A Calculated and Reported Mol. Weight Differ by ..    2724.25 Check
PLAT044_ALERT_1_A Calculated and Reported Density Dx  Differ by ..     1.0961 Check
PLAT050_ALERT_1_A Absorption Coefficient mu Not Given ............     Please Do !
PLAT086_ALERT_2_A Unsatisfactory S Value (Too Low or Not Given) ..       0.00 Check
PLAT091_ALERT_1_A No Wavelength Found in CIF - 0.71073 Ang Assumed     Please Check
PLAT183_ALERT_1_A Missing _cell_measurement_reflns_used Value ....     Please Do !
PLAT184_ALERT_1_A Missing _cell_measurement_theta_min Value ......     Please Do !
PLAT185_ALERT_1_A Missing _cell_measurement_theta_max Value ......     Please Do !
PLAT197_ALERT_1_A Missing _cell_measurement_temperature Datum ....     Please Add  
PLAT198_ALERT_1_A Missing _diffrn_ambient_temperature   Datum ....     Please Add  
PLAT224_ALERT_1_A Ueq(Rep) and Ueq(Calc) Differ by -0.027   Ang**2        Tb141 Chec
And 182 other PLAT224 Alerts
More ...PLAT241_ALERT_2_A High   'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of        C27 Check
And 3 other PLAT241 Alerts
More ...PLAT260_ALERT_2_A Large Average Ueq of Residue Including      TB1#      0.484 Check
PLAT602_ALERT_2_A VERY LARGE Solvent Accessible VOID(S) in Structure        ! Info
PLAT880_ALERT_1_A N0 datum for _diffrn_reflns_number .............     Please Do !
PLAT881_ALERT_1_A No Datum for _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents ...     Please Do !
Alert level B
PLAT025_ALERT_1_B Hmin..Lmax Data Incomplete or Missing ..........     Please Check
PLAT213_ALERT_2_B Atom C36             has ADP max/min Ratio .....        4.2 oblate
And 13 other PLAT213 Alerts
More ...PLAT220_ALERT_2_B Non-Solvent  Resd 1  O   Ueq(max)/Ueq(min) Range        9.3 Ratio
PLAT241_ALERT_2_B High   'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of        O30 Check
And 18 other PLAT241 Alerts
More ...PLAT242_ALERT_2_B Low    'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of        C20 Check
And 5 other PLAT242 Alerts
More ...PLAT374_ALERT_2_B Long   N - N         Bond  N172     - N178     .       1.67 Ang.  
PLAT374_ALERT_2_B Long   N - N         Bond  N175     - N181_d   .       1.67 Ang.  
Alert level C
ABSTY02_ALERT_1_C  An _exptl_absorpt_correction_type has been given without
            a literature citation. This should be contained in the
            _exptl_absorpt_process_details field.
            Absorption correction given as Not Given
PLAT034_ALERT_1_C No Flack Parameter Given. Z > Si, NonCentro ....     Please Do !
PLAT141_ALERT_4_C s.u. on a - Axis Small or Missing ..............    0.00000 Ang.  
PLAT142_ALERT_4_C s.u. on b - Axis Small or Missing ..............    0.00000 Ang.  
PLAT143_ALERT_4_C s.u. on c - Axis Small or Missing ..............    0.00000 Ang.  
PLAT144_ALERT_4_C s.u. on alpha    Small or Missing ..............     0.0000 Degree
PLAT145_ALERT_4_C s.u. on beta     Small or Missing ..............     0.0000 Degree
PLAT146_ALERT_4_C s.u. on gamma    Small or Missing ..............     0.0000 Degree
PLAT151_ALERT_1_C No s.u. (esd) Given on Volume ..................     Please Do !
PLAT155_ALERT_4_C The Triclinic Unitcell is NOT Reduced ..........     Please Do !
PLAT161_ALERT_4_C Missing or Zero s.u. (esd) on x-coordinate for .         O1 Check
And 193 other PLAT161 Alerts
More ...PLAT162_ALERT_4_C Missing or Zero s.u. (esd) on y-coordinate for .         O1 Check
And 193 other PLAT162 Alerts
More ...PLAT163_ALERT_4_C Missing or Zero s.u. (esd) on z-coordinate for .         O1 Check
And 193 other PLAT163 Alerts
More ...PLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom O30             has ADP max/min Ratio .....        3.4 prolat
And 44 other PLAT213 Alerts
More ...PLAT218_ALERT_3_C Constrained U(ij) Components(s) for O1         .          6 Check
And 182 other PLAT218 Alerts
More ...PLAT241_ALERT_2_C High   'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of         O2 Check
And 2 other PLAT241 Alerts
More ...PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor ....        3.7 Note  
Alert level G
PLAT004_ALERT_5_G Polymeric Structure Found with Maximum Dimension          3 Info  
PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No Embedded Refinement Details Found  in the CIF     Please Do !
PLAT040_ALERT_1_G No H-atoms in this Carbon Containing Compound ..     Please Check
PLAT045_ALERT_1_G Calculated and Reported Z Differ by a Factor ...       0.00 Check
PLAT104_ALERT_1_G The Reported Crystal System is Inconsistent with         P1 Check
PLAT111_ALERT_2_G ADDSYM Detects New (Pseudo) Centre of Symmetry .         91 %Fit  
PLAT113_ALERT_2_G ADDSYM Suggests Possible Pseudo/New  Space Group        P-1 Check
PLAT154_ALERT_1_G The s.u.'s on the Cell Angles are Equal ..(Note)         0. Degree
PLAT300_ALERT_4_G Atom Site Occupancy of Tb141      Constrained at       0.33 Check
And 5 other PLAT300 Alerts
More ...PLAT301_ALERT_3_G Main Residue  Disorder ..............(Resd  1  )         1% Note  
PLAT395_ALERT_2_G Deviating  X-O-Y    Angle From 120 for O84             42.2 Degree
PLAT720_ALERT_4_G Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Labels ..........          3 Note  
PLAT773_ALERT_2_G Check long C-C Bond in CIF: C5       --C8              1.71 Ang.  
And 5 other PLAT773 Alerts
More ...PLAT808_ALERT_5_G No Parseable SHELXL Style Weighting Scheme Found     Please Check
PLAT882_ALERT_1_G No Datum for _diffrn_reflns_av_unetI/netI ......     Please Do !
PLAT981_ALERT_1_G No non-zero f" Anomalous Scattering Values Found     Please Check
PLAT986_ALERT_1_G No non-zero f' Anomalous Scattering Values Found     Please Check
245 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain
  43 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully
824 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight
  27 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected

248 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data
107 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient
185 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low
596 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion
   3 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check
checkCIF publication errors
Alert level A
PUBL004_ALERT_1_A  The contact author's name and address are missing,
            _publ_contact_author_name and _publ_contact_author_address.
PUBL005_ALERT_1_A  _publ_contact_author_email, _publ_contact_author_fax and
            _publ_contact_author_phone are all missing.
            At least one of these should be present.
PUBL006_ALERT_1_A  _publ_requested_journal is missing
            e.g. 'Acta Crystallographica Section C'
PUBL008_ALERT_1_A  _publ_section_title is missing. Title of paper.
PUBL009_ALERT_1_A  _publ_author_name is missing. List of author(s) name(s).
PUBL010_ALERT_1_A  _publ_author_address is missing. Author(s) address(es).
PUBL012_ALERT_1_A  _publ_section_abstract is missing.
            Abstract of paper in English.
PUBL016_ALERT_1_A  Details of the refinement are missing.
            e.g. _publ_section_exptl_refinement
            _computing_cell_refinement , etc.
ATOM001_ALERT_1_A  _atom_type_scat_source is missing
            Reference to scattering factors applied.
Alert level G
PUBL017_ALERT_1_G The _publ_section_references section is missing or
   9 ALERT level A = Data missing that is essential or data in wrong format
   1 ALERT level G = General alerts. Data that may be required is missing
Publication of your CIF
You should attempt to resolve as many as possible of the alerts in all categories. Often the minor alerts point to easily fixed oversights, errors and omissions in your CIF or refinement strategy, so attention to these fine details can be worthwhile. In order to resolve some of the more serious problems it may be necessary to carry out additional measurements or structure refinements. However, the nature of your study may justify the reported deviations from journal submission requirements and the more serious of these should be commented upon in the discussion or experimental section of a paper or in the "special_details" fields of the CIF. checkCIF was carefully designed to identify outliers and unusual parameters, but every test has its limitations and alerts that are not important in a particular case may appear. Conversely, the absence of alerts does not guarantee there are no aspects of the results needing attention. It is up to the individual to critically assess their own results and, if necessary, seek expert advice.

If level A alerts remain, which you believe to be justified deviations, and you intend to submit this CIF for publication in a journal, you should additionally insert an explanation in your CIF using the Validation Reply Form (VRF) below. This will allow your explanation to be considered as part of the review process.

# start Validation Reply Form
PROBLEM: The contact author's name and address are missing,
PROBLEM: _publ_contact_author_email, _publ_contact_author_fax and
PROBLEM: _publ_requested_journal is missing
PROBLEM: _publ_section_title is missing. Title of paper.
PROBLEM: _publ_author_name is missing. List of author(s) name(s).
PROBLEM: _publ_author_address is missing. Author(s) address(es).
PROBLEM: _publ_section_abstract is missing.
PROBLEM: Details of the refinement are missing.
PROBLEM: _atom_type_scat_source is missing
PROBLEM: _symmetry_cell_setting is missing
PROBLEM: _cell_formula_units_Z is missing
PROBLEM: _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_radiation_type is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_radiation_wavelength is missing
PROBLEM: _cell_measurement_reflns_used is missing
PROBLEM: _cell_measurement_theta_min is missing
PROBLEM: _cell_measurement_theta_max is missing
PROBLEM: _cell_measurement_temperature is missing
PROBLEM: _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu is missing
PROBLEM: _exptl_crystal_description is missing
PROBLEM: No crystal dimensions have been given.
PROBLEM: The magnitudes of the crystal dimensions do not
PROBLEM: _exptl_crystal_colour (_pd_char_colour for powder) is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_measurement_device_type is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_measurement_method is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_number is missing
PROBLEM: _reflns_number_total is missing
PROBLEM: _reflns_number_gt is missing
PROBLEM: _reflns_threshold_expression is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_theta_max is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_standards_number is missing
PROBLEM: _diffrn_standards_interval_count and
PROBLEM: _diffrn_standards_decay_% is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_R_factor_gt is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_number_reflns is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_number_parameters is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_weighting_scheme is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_ls_shift/su_max is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_diff_density_max is missing
PROBLEM: _refine_diff_density_min is missing
PROBLEM: _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 is missing
PROBLEM: _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 is missing
PROBLEM: The absorption correction should be one of the following
PROBLEM: _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full value Low .      0.000 Why?  
PROBLEM: Calculated and Reported Mol. Weight Differ by ..    2724.25 Check
PROBLEM: Calculated and Reported Density Dx  Differ by ..     1.0961 Check
PROBLEM: Absorption Coefficient mu Not Given ............     Please Do !
PROBLEM: Unsatisfactory S Value (Too Low or Not Given) ..       0.00 Check
PROBLEM: No Wavelength Found in CIF - 0.71073 Ang Assumed     Please Check
PROBLEM: Missing _cell_measurement_reflns_used Value ....     Please Do !
PROBLEM: Missing _cell_measurement_theta_min Value ......     Please Do !
PROBLEM: Missing _cell_measurement_theta_max Value ......     Please Do !
PROBLEM: Missing _cell_measurement_temperature Datum ....     Please Add  
PROBLEM: Missing _diffrn_ambient_temperature   Datum ....     Please Add  
PROBLEM: Ueq(Rep) and Ueq(Calc) Differ by -0.027   Ang**2        Tb141 Chec
PROBLEM: High   'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of        C27 Check
PROBLEM: Large Average Ueq of Residue Including      TB1#      0.484 Check
PROBLEM: VERY LARGE Solvent Accessible VOID(S) in Structure        ! Info
PROBLEM: N0 datum for _diffrn_reflns_number .............     Please Do !
PROBLEM: No Datum for _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents ...     Please Do !
# end Validation Reply Form
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额, 没get到啥意思




看看这篇文章,有类似的单晶晶体结构。Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 17108-17112
OK, 非常感谢




看看这篇文章,有类似的单晶晶体结构。Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 17108-17112


看看这篇文章,有类似的单晶晶体结构。Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 17108-17112

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