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最新有机系锂空气电池综述-International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials?

最新非水细锂空气综述:Key areas for future researchFrom the perspective of the authors, five areas are important for future research.Understanding the complex chemical reaction mechanisms that occur during charge and discharge underscores any future progress.A porous carbon-based oxygen cathode is expected to be critical for performance improvement of lithium-air battery technology. The electrons are confined inside the electrode material while the oxygen is in both the gaseous and solution phases and the lithium ions are contained in the electrolyte solution.High “round-trip efficiency” is optimized by screening bifunctional cathode catalysts with improved activity for both an oxygen reduction reaction during the discharge period and an oxygen evolution reaction during the charge period.Attributes for development of stable electrolytes include excellent lithium ionic conductivity, high oxygen solubility, low viscosity, and vapor pressure. Properties of the electrolyte such as ionic conductivity, oxygen solubility, viscosity, and contact angle strongly influence the cell discharge performance.Developing a high lithium ionic conducting separator and a high throughout oxygen-breathing membranes used at the cathode to block H2O, CO2 and other air components except O2
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