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2015年10月 JES 电池大牛的电池review?

2015年10月 JES 电池大牛的电池review 包括JB Goodenough, PG Bruce, LF Nazar,Amine等等,其中包含锂离子电池钠离子电池,锂空气,电解液,锂硫等 The Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) is pleased to publish this special collection of invited opinion and review articles, containing 21 papers from leading groups working in the field of Li and Na batteries. Of course, there are many other excellent scientists and engineers who contribute significantly to this field but not all could be included here due to a limitation of space. This special collection deals with important topics related to R&D of advanced batteries: new anodes, cathodes, and electrolyte solutions for rechargeable lithium and sodium batteries; solid and polymeric electrolyte systems; diagnostic tools for batteries and battery components; and comparison between batteries and fuel cells for electro-mobility. Our hope that this collection of papers, in which highly-experienced people in the batteries field share their opinions and views based on ther own extensive work, will be helpful to the scientific community 其中有 Review—Hard Carbon Negative Electrode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries E. Irisarri,a,b A. Ponrouch,a,b and M. R. Palacina,bReview—Manganese-Based P2-Type Transition Metal Oxides as Sodium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials Raphaele J. Cl¨ ement,′ a, ? Peter G. Bruce,b, ? ? and Clare P. Greya, Rechargeable Batteries: Grasping for the Limits of Chemistry Erik J. Berg, Claire Villevieille, Daniel Streich, Sigita Trabesinger, ? and Petr Novak Review—Development of Advanced Rechargeable Batteries: A Continuous Challenge in the Choice of Suitable Electrolyte Solutions Evan M. Erickson, Elena Markevich, Gregory Salitra, Daniel Sharon, Daniel Hirshberg, Ezequiel de la Llave, Ivgeni Shterenberg, Ariel Rozenman, Aryeh Frimer, and Doron Aurbach Review—Solid Electrolytes in Rechargeable Electrochemical Cells John B. Goodenough ? ,z and Preetam Singh Review—Electromobility: Batteries or Fuel Cells? Oliver Groger,¨ a Hubert A. Gasteiger,b,? ,z and Jens-Peter Suchsland Review—Advances in Anode and Electrolyte Materials for the Progress of Lithium-Ion and beyond Lithium-Ion Batteries Jusef Hassouna,b,z and Bruno Scrosati Review—Lithium-Excess Layered Cathodes for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries Jihyun Hong,a,= Hyeokjo Gwon,b,= Sung-Kyun Jung,a,c,= Kyojin Ku,a,c,= and Kisuk Kang Review—Understanding and Mitigating Some of the Key Factors that Limit Non-Aqueous Lithium-Air Battery Performance Jun Lu,a Kah Chun Lau,b Yang-Kook Sun,c, ? Larry A Curtiss,b,z and Khalil Aminea Review—Nano-Silicon/Carbon Composite Anode Materials Towards Practical Application for Next Generation Li-Ion Batteries Fei Luo, Bonan Liu, Jieyun Zheng, Geng Chu, Kaifu Zhong, Hong Li, ? ,z Xuejie Huang, and Liquan Chen Review—Battery Materials: Why Defect Chemistry? Joachim Maier Review—Chemical Analysis for a Better Understanding of Aging and Degradation Mechanisms of Non-Aqueous Electrolytes for Lithium Ion Batteries: Method Development, Application and Lessons Learned Sascha Nowak ? ,z and Martin Winter Review—The Importance of Chemical Interactions between Sulfur Host Materials and Lithium Polysulfides for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Quan Pang, Xiao Liang, C. Y. Kwok, and Linda F. Nazar Review—Li-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes for Next-Generation Li-Ion Batteries: Chances and Challenges Patrick Roziera,b,c and Jean Marie Tarascon Review—Superconcentrated Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries Yuki Yamada? and Atsuo Yamada Review—Advanced Carbon-Supported Organic Electrode Materials for Lithium (Sodium)-Ion Batteries Zhiqiang Zhua and Jun Chen 2015-10-21_130246.png
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