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大牛Yunfeng Lu最新电容器力作(Nano Letters,2015年9月29日)?

题目:Hierarchical Nanostructured WO3 with Biomimetic Proton Channels and Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductivity for Electrochemical Energy Storage 作者:Zheng Chen,1 Yiting Peng,1,2 Fang Liu,1 Zaiyuan Le,1 Jian Zhu,3 Gurong Shen,1 Dieqing Zhang,3 Meicheng Wen,3 Shuning Xiao,3 Chi-Ping Liu,4 Yunfeng Lu,1 and Hexing Li,2* ? ?? ?? ?1Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; ? ?? ?? ?2 Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China; ? ?? ?? ?3 The Education Ministry Key Lab of Resource Chemistry, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China; ? ?? ?? ?4 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; ? ?? ?? ?*Corresponding to: Hexing-Li@shnu.edu.cn 摘要:Protein channels in biologic systems can effectively transport ions such as proton (H+), sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca+) ions. However, none of such channels is able to conduct electrons. Inspired by the biologic proton channels, we report a novel hierarchical nanostructured hydrous hexagonal WO3 (h-WO3) which can conduct both protons and electrons. This mixed protonic-electronic conductor (MPEC) can be synthesized by a facile single-step hydrothermal reaction at low temperature, which results in a three-dimensional nanostructure self-assembled from h-WO3 nanorods. Such a unique h-WO3 contains biomimetic proton channels where single-file water chains embedded within the electron-conducting matrix, which is critical for fast electro-kinetics. The mixed conductivities, high redox capacitance and structural robustness afford the h-WO3 with unprecedented electrochemical performance, including high capacitance, fast charge/discharge capability and very long cycling life (>50000 cycles without capacitance decay), thus providing a new platform for a broad range of applications. YFLU.jpg
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