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刚进润滑油加氢装置,有很多英语术语不懂,求解释: 生产的润滑油有2.0cst、150N、300N、90BS,这些都代表什么含义啊 还有就是里面有个HCR,是什么意思。
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non-condensable: 非冷凝---》实际要说明的是:换热器高温侧无相变。 pressure drop,allow/calc 压力降,允许值/计算值 transer rate前面应该是缺了个词,意思应该是:热导率 service后面应该是缺了总传热系数,意思应该是:工况下总传热系数。对应的其他总传热系数包括:干净情况下总传热系数和污垢情况下总传热系数。htfs里面:工况下总传热系数必须小于污垢下的,传热计算才能通过。
explanation: 充分利用 商业上经常讲leverage existing investment or resources, etc. 就是指充分利用这些现有的投资或资源来达到最大的回报。this is a business buzzword.
our strategy is to be in different market segments. 我们力求叱咤风云于不同的市场领域。
echo,您认为our strengths in research and development and manufacturing skills in the chemicals business是resources还是outcome?如果是resources那leverage应该是利用的意思,如果是指outcome那就是加强 ----------------------------------------fyi
"service 寿命"不太恰当。 transfer rate (service/clean/actual) 传热率(常用的/清洁的/实际的)
2.0cst 是指100度下的运动粘度, 150n是指37.8摄氏度(100度f)下的赛氏粘度, 90bs是重质润滑油,在210度f(98摄氏度)下赛氏粘度
谢谢lucida的耐心讲解,我原本把leveraging当成目的状语来理解了,再在看来错了,应该是方式状语,这样比较合理。 our strategy is to be in different market segments. we will do this leveraging our strengths in research and development and manufacturing skills in the chemicals business. (my version)我们的战略是:充分利用我公司在化工行业内的研发实力与生产技术,占据不同的市场。
I am now glad to announce our acquisition of DuPonts Speciality Catalyst business effective January 1st 2010. 试译:我现在很高兴地宣布我公司已获得杜邦公司专业催化剂的销售权,此授权自 2010 年 1 月 1 日起 生效。 ............................. (没有难点,略) Our strategy is to be in different market segments. We will do this le veraging our strengths in research and development and manufacturing skills in the chemicals business. 试译:我们的战略是进军不同的细分市场,借此 加强 我公司在化工行业内的研发实力与生产技术。 我对此处 leveraging 的用法有些困惑,欢迎大家讨论。 ----------------------------------------FYI
在换热器数据表中,non-condensable, pressure drop,allow/calc %cut(diam) transer rate,service 这些都是什么意思
i am now glad to announce our acquisition of duponts speciality catalyst business effective january 1st 2010. the business purchase includes dupont™ tyzor® titanates and zirconates and avitex® hydrocarbon surfactants and antistatic agents used in a broad range of industrial markets and applications. with this current acquisition from dupont , we will become global leaders in this market segment. more specifically these products find applications across several industries spanning across oil & gas, paints & coatings, printing inks, industrial sealants, corrosion protection & emission reduction. our strategy is to be in different market segments . we will do this leveraging our strengths in research and development and manufacturing skills in the chemicals business. 老板要求翻译这玩意,对我难度太大,请兄弟姐妹们帮帮忙。
could anybody help me with the sentence below: automatic calibration the instrument 1.ensure that no gas sample is connected to the instrument head connections. swich meter to read, or standard range if a tr modle. 2.raise the head of the instrument by hand and pump it up and down a few times, ending in the raised positon. 3.after about 1 minute check the instrument reading. 4.if the reading requires adjustment locate the automatic calibarton control, which is to be found on the front panel of the instrument ,a nd usingthe small screwdriver provided, turn the control clockwise to increase the reading(wette) or anti-clockwies to decrease it . 5.close the instrument head.
market segments 市场细分 细分市场不仅有利于企业发现新的市场机会,而且有利于企业合理地择定目标市场,有效地配置有限资源,集中力量,更好地为目标顾客服务。 our strategy is to be in different market segments. 我司策略是推进/动市场细分。 fyi~~~
在换热器数据表中,non-condensable, 不冷凝 pressure drop,allow/calc 压降 允许值/计算值 %cut(diam) %切掉(直径) ,常指折流板切边 transer rate, 传热率或换热量. service 运行的实际数值.
our strategy is to be in different market segments. we will do this leveraging our strengths in research and development and manufacturing skills in the chemicals business. 我们力求涉及不同的市场领域,使我们在化工行业内研发与生产技术方面的优势得以充分发挥。
i am now glad to announce our acquisition of duponts speciality catalyst business effective january 1st 2010. 试译:我现在很高兴地宣布我公司已获得杜邦公司专业催化剂的销售权,此授权自2010年1月1日起生 ... leveraging表示“利用”的意思。
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