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This is especially important around oxygen compressors where location of expansion joints inside the reducers may place them in areas that need to be constructed of velocity exempt materials.
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俺来帮大家理解一下什么是velocity exempt materials: 1. 定义:(参见 http:///fileadmin/docs_pubs/doc%2013%2002%20e.pdf ) exempt materials are engineering alloys, which are exempt from any oxygen velocity limitations within defined limits of pressure, material thickness and oxygen purity. only those materials, which demonstrate combustion resistance, when subjected to particle impact and/or promoted ignition tests conducted in oxygen enriched atmospheres can be qualified as exempt. 2. velocity exempt materials = 允许免除氧气流速限制的管材 如果在系统设计压力的条件下,合金材料可以阻燃,就不需要对氧气流速有限制。这种材料就是velocity exempt materials 例子:不锈钢管或铜基合金管 (参考 http:///viewnews.jsp?newsid=4628 和 http:///view/29068a3567ec102de2bd895e.html )
减速器中膨胀节应该放置在需要采用速度豁免材料的区域,这在氧气压缩机周围是非常重要的。 不知道正确与否,仅供参考。。。
大小头的作用是keep the gas velocity within acceptable levels,大小头两端流体速度有变化,所以需要velocity exempt materials,第二句的主语应该是大小头,大小头附近的区域内要用velocity exempt materials,第三句就是说膨胀节的位置要避开那个区域,要放在流体速度稳定的地方。 不知道我的理解对不对,楼主可以看看大小头和膨胀节附近的材料是否相同。
既然楼主是管道专业的,那么我想velocity exempt material翻译为“速度豁免材料”肯定是让人看不懂的。 可参考: http:///viewthread.php?tid=147369 我的猜测:选用何种材质对于流速无影响 供您参考
回复 12# eddiedong 翻译为 能够满足转速要求的材料。如何。
膨胀接头应该设在大直径管道上和在进气口和排气口缓冲器的外端,目的是为了保持气体速率在可接受范围。 在氧气压缩机的周围,缓冲器内部需要使用无流速限制材料的地方必须使用膨胀接头,这一点尤其重要。 要求使用无流速限制材料的地方强制使用膨胀接头。 ——————————————我对空分工段设备不是很了解,如有不对地方还请指教
这点对于氧气压缩机来说特别重要,将它们放置在减速器内膨胀缝位置的需要采用速度豁免材料制处。 velocity exempt 是什么?有知道的朋友补充说明下
大小头的作用是keep the gas velocity within acceptable levels,大小头两端流体速度有变化,所以需要velo ... 同意你的说法,但是velocity exempt materials看来只能意会,不能言传了
this is especially important around oxygen compressors where location of expansion joints inside the reducers may place them in areas that need to be constructed of velocity exempt materials. 氧气压缩机周围管线布置中,尤其重要的是异径管之间的膨胀节的位置,可以放置在有流速限制的金属构造(动词)的地方。
this is especially important around oxygen compressors where location of expansion joints inside the reducers may place them in areas that need to be constructed of velocity exempt materials. 在氧压机周围管线布置中,尤其重要的是异径管处的膨胀节可放置在有流速限制的构造材料区域内。
减速器中膨胀节应该放置在需要采用速度豁免材料的区域,这在氧气压缩机周围是非常重要的。 不知道正确与否 ... reducer是异径管,速度豁免材料是什么东东。。。
上下文贴一下吧 the expansion joints should be located in the larger diameter pipe, outside of the reducers that are usually found near the inlet and discharge nozzle, in order to keep the gas velocity within acceptable levels. this is especially important around oxygen compressors where location of expansion joints inside the reducers may place them in areas that need to be constructed of velocity exempt materials. expansion joints are forbidden from being used in areas requiring velocity exempt materials. reducer就是异径管,expansion joint就是膨胀节。让我看不懂的是,第二句话看着像是跟前后两句话矛盾,不知道该怎么翻译才通顺。
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