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又一句费解的, "4 off"是什么意思?

The spray ring shall be supplied with 4 off spray nozzles with the following duty: Flow per nozzle: ... Max. pressure drop: ... Nozzle type: 120 degree full cone Density: ... Viscosity: ... 请问上文中的4 off和full cone是什么意思? 我在询价书的零备件列表里还看到过 Earthing Brackets (2-off), 看来跟4-off意思差不多。
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4 off 4个旧的喷雾嘴 cone 完顶体
i'd like to do this kinda summary. but the function of searching in full text was cancelled recently for all hcbbs members. furthermore, many askers didn't highlight the key words in their posts' subject, so it's meaningless to summarize a particular term or phrase. btw,i really saw the same question in another forum, it means unit or piece(件/个) . please click this link: http:///forum_view.asp?forum_id=19&view_id=55386 .
热烈呼吁echo妹妹有空做个搜索链接。 以前只见过"one off", 好像也没法类推到 n-off 上来。
喷液环形分布管上均布4个喷嘴! 喷嘴形式:(喷洒外形)120度实心锥体(喷洒角120度,喷雾外形为圆锥形,喷雾不能空心)
one off 我的理解就是一锤子买卖的意思,换句话说叫蝎子的poo-poo毒(独)一份
这个off的用法在论坛里讨论了很多次了,不过俺现在倒好像有些迷糊撩,请echo姊姊有空做个搜索链接吧。这里的off俺的倾向是offerred的简写,意思是说这环状喷嘴上带有4个喷头。 full cone与hollow cone是喷嘴的两种形式,说白了就是喷出锥形(120 degree指锥形的角度)的中心是不空的还是空的。这个很容易查到,因此pllhy明显又在犯懒。不知道为什么俺上载不了图片,所以你就自己查查吧。
什么叫alternately? 可理解为可替代性的 self -reinforcing” 加强,如高强度螺栓
避免开太多帖子,所以就在这里接着发问了。 buyer may alternately use suitable design codes and material specifications of p.r.china. 这句话如何理解? 买方有权交替选择适用的设计规范及材料标准? 什么叫alternately?交替?
to be or not to be? 再来: unless otherwise noted nozzles shall be self reinforcing type terminating in a raised face flange. 若无特殊说明,所有接管均为“自补强型”,接管终端为凸面法兰。 这么理解对否? 我正在找self reinforcing/reinforced的意思,见到这么一段: http:///viewthread.cfm?qid=205538&page=8 i can not agree with your definition of self-reinforced. in asme viii, any nozzle greater than 2nps must be reinforced. whether the reinforcement comes from a repad, excess shell plate or excess nozzle thickness... it's a reinforced nozzle. i think the term "self reinforced" is a non-code term that most of us understand anyway. "most of us"都知道了,我还不知道呢。
俺是“one of the 'most of us'". 同意8楼引用的这段话中关于“self -reinforcing”的意見。 作为一位材料专业人士,俺从来就不相信有什么材料是可以“self reinforced"的。就像这段文说的一样,nozzle的reinforcing 要么是因为有 repad, 要么是因为用了excess shell plate,要么是因为用 excess nozzle thickness, 等等,总的说来,就是需要“被增强/补强”(it's a reinforced nozzle)而不是nozzle 本身有什么可以从技术上有根有据地被证明可以“self -reinforcing”(“自增强/补强”)的能力。所以,俺和其它老外同行在制定技术标准的時候,是确定不会允許什么“self reinforced"被写进标准里的(所以the term "self reinforced" is a non-code term),我們(most of us)都心照不宣,知道所谓的“self reinforced"说法不过是厂家的“忽悠”词而已。(这老外当然比俺更客气,沒有直接像俺这样说出来,所以含蓄地说most of us understand anyway. )
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